
About Us

OCLP.net へようこそ!
このサイトはOpenCore Legacy Patcher の使い方を中心にまとめたOCLPの専門サイトです。


なお、このサイトはOpenCore Legacy Patcherの公式サイトではありません。
OpenCore Legacy Patcherの公式リンクは以下の通りです。

Thank you for visiting our site.
OCLP.net is a specialty site for the OpenCore Legacy Patcher, created by users in Japan. Please note that this is not the official site of the OpenCore Legacy Patcher.

Our site primarily features tutorials on how to use the OpenCore Legacy Patcher and the latest news about it. All articles are supervised and written by Kabocy, who manages “Anokabo

For official information about OpenCore Legacy Patcher, please refer to the following links: